The Creation History of Moreau's Story

I started this story back in 2019. Growing up I loved the Mass Efect series and Jeff Moreau, AKA. our beloved pilot Joker the most. As I got older and was able to dive into the stories lore a bit better, I found out about Hilary and Jokers background. From there I just decided to make some characters and it grew out of control.

Funnily enough Noah Moreau started as just the typical Asshole twin brother who was more of an antagonist to Jeff in their childhood years. Of couse teenage me got attatched to him and started fleshing him out a bit more. Giving him the stereotypical edgy background. I'd like to say he's been a bit more fleshed out and rounded out since then but, I can't completely disconnect him from that background, after all it is what makes him, him. Around 2020 I started a comic series following Hilary's escape from Tiptree. I didn't continue it for long but the story resides safely in my head and whatever random places I've put tidbits in over the years. Over the pandemic I started fleshing out their social circles more and their connections. As well as my own personal story for Shepard and the Normandy crew. Now-a-days I don't try to tie in the orignal trilogy with the story that much just due to its nature of being an RPG, and also not my work. But I do throw in hints in the background of the story to the original game.

As of recent, I've been drawing the characters all human to try and disconnect from the game. But I don't think I'll ever be able to fully disconnect it. Also drawing aliens is hard and their human designs are soooo... cute. Idk I like them a lot lol. After all I designed them from scratch. But I should really get back to drawing them as aliens lol.
