Moreau's Story About Section

Moreau's Story is a Fan story of Bioware's Mass Effect Triology. It follows the story of the Moreau family and friends.

The main story follows Hilary's escape from Tiptree during the Reaper War and the subsequent rebuilding and recovery from the war. Some known information is retconned (such as Hilary is NOT dead in this story. For obvious reasons) and I play around with some canon info as well cause I can. There's also multiple offshoots of the story that follow the other characters. Noah's is less of a oneshot story and more of a prequel for the main story. Of couse none of this is actually written yet and all sits in my head minus a couple comic pages of the beginning of the main story.

As much as I would want to disconnect this story from being a fan thing, the Mass Effect universe is heavily tied into the actual world lore and I cannot disconnect it without the story loosing it's charm in my eye. So it shall stay a fan story and that's okay with me! The games hold a special place in my heart after all :>

For more info on different characters or the history of the creation of this story, links should be on the main page!